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Admission Arrangements

Admissions to Easingwold Primary School


We are a welcoming and friendly place to send your child to and describe ourselves as a big happy family.  If you are considering giving us the opportunity to educate your child we would first and foremost ask you to come and take a look around, meet the children and all the adults who work with them as this will be invaluable in informing your decision making process.


Easingwold Primary School serves a wide geographical catchment area. So that admissions to school can be orchestrated centrally we ask that parents interested in choosing us contact the Local Authority Admissions Office for advice and information on 01609 533679. This is irrespective of the time of year you might be joining us.


Our Published Admission Number for children entering EYFS in 2023/2024 is 45. 


Admissions arrangements in full can be accessed at:


New Starters for September 2024: 

Click here to apply for a place:


The application window runs from 12th October 2023 - 15th January 2024. You will find out the result of your application on National Offer Day on 16th April 2024. 


If you are considering a 'mid-year move', we ask that you read the document below. 


How We Process Your Primary School In Year Transfer Request:


  1. In Year Application Form requesting pupil transfer schools received by the Local Authority (LA) electronically or in paper format.
  2. Details logged to enable Local Authority to track the progress of your transfer request. 
  3. We will contact your first preference school to determine if there are places available in the appropriate year group or groups.
  4. If places are available we will allocate a school place to your child.
  5. We will confirm the allocation with you verbally and notify you in writing. Both the school your child was attending and the newly allocated school will be notified. The school your child is leaving must complete a Key Information Form (KIF) and forward it to the new school before the admission arrangements can be finalised and a start date agreed. The purpose of the KIF is to ensure that the new school has all of the relevant information required to ensure your child’s smooth transition into school.
  6. On receipt of the KIF your child’s new school will contact you to finalise the admission arrangements and discuss any issues regarding your child’s education. In the meantime your child must continue to attend their current school.
  7. If there are no places available at your preferred school, we will turn down your application and offer you the right to an admissions appeal. Your admission appeal will be held within 30 school days of the receipt of your appeal form.  You will be advised that we will approach your second /third preference school(s) to identify whether a place is available.
  8. Before completing an in year application form you should discuss the reasons for the change of school with your child’s current Headteacher. The Headteacher will be required to provide key information to the new school.


Please note your child will only be admitted to their new school at the beginning of each half-term. 


The exception to this is where you move into North Yorkshire or move address within the Authority and it is not practical for your child to remain at their current school.
