Lunchtime Clubs:
We offer a range of lunchtime clubs for all ages to support our work on personal development. We believe that clubs are an important part of school life to help pupils develop their skills and talents outside of the classroom. To engage children and develop their understanding of democracy, children list the clubs they would like each term and then we vote in phases. So that all children benefit from our clubs, we keep registers to make sure that every child attends at least one lunchtime club a week. We have a different theme for clubs every term to give children a broad range and support them in discovering any hidden interests or talents. Our Autumn term clubs are creative, Spring are based on our 5 ways to wellbeing and Summer are our active clubs. See below for our list of this term's clubs:
After School Clubs:
We also offer a range of after school clubs for children from Year 2 upwards:
Monday: Art and Craft Club and Cricket Club
Tuesday: LEGO and Engineering Club and Warhammer Club
Wednesday: Board Games Club
Thursday: Choir