Votes for our new Mini Leaders will take place on Friday 22nd September. Watch this space for our new Mini Leaders and good luck everybody!
As a school, we exercised our democratic right to vote this September and voted in a Mini Leader for each class from years 1 to 6. The role of our Mini Leaders is:
- To help the Headteacher with special events in school and the community.
- To welcome and show around visitors to our school.
- To help the Headteacher rewriting policies by gathering the views of their classmates and giving their own opinions.
- To gather ideas and opinions from their classmates about school improvement - they have a £500 budget to do this each year.
- To meet weekly to discuss any relevant issues and plan events.
Autumn Term Plans -
- They will be helping to welcome visitors
- Representing school at the blessing of the crib service and Boot Shop carol service
- Showing candidates around during teacher interviews
- They will help to make the harvest boxes and deliver them to local elderly residents
- Collect pupil voice on clubs and organise the vote for Spring clubs
Spring Term Plans -
- Collect pupil ideas for World Book Day
- Comic Relief Day
- Easter egg and bonnet competition
Summer Term Plans -
- Sports day
- Family picnic
- Show around candidates for teacher/TA posts
- Spend the £500 budget
- Behaviour survey