The statutory functions of the Governing Body are to:
The Structure of the Governing Body:
The full Governing Body (FGB) meets six times a year. In addition to this and in order to strengthen the financial running and position of the school, a separate Resources Committee was formed in November 2020. This resulted in a deeper understanding of the school budget and enabled more detailed and focused work to begin on much needed long term investment in IT infrastructure. It has provided more time to dedicate to reviewing contracts to ensure best value.
Mrs Nikki Rowbottom, our Chair of Governors, chairs the Full Governing Body.
She can be contacted on
Mr Edward Fenning chairs the Resources Committee
The Governing Body also has the following statutory committees:
The current Governing Board is comprised of 12 governors as follows:
a. 3 parent governors
b. 1 local authority governor
c. 1 staff governors
d. 1 headteacher
e. 6 co-opted governors
Meet Our Governors:
Name: Nikki Rowbottom (Chair of Governors)
Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 01/08/2022
Term of Office End Date: 31/07/2026
I am delighted to have been offered the opportunity to stand as Chair of Governors. I have been a Co-opted Governor since January 2020 and have served as Chair of Resources Committee and also as Deputy Chair of Governors since my tenure began. I am also the proud mum of two children at ECPS. I live in Easingwold with my husband and children, having moved here 8 years ago and love the community feel of the town.
I was invited to become a Governor on the strength of my professional experience in procurement and contract management. I am now a Consultant offering procurement and contract management solutions across the private sectors but also spent 12 years in the public sector so have a good deal of experience in managing budgets and contracts in this environment. I have helped ECPS replace their technology contracts and also as Chair of the Resources Committee, helped the Headteacher take difficult decisions on budgets, where to prioritise spending and reviewing plans for the future for affordability.
I am currently the Governor responsible for EYFS and love visiting the children and teachers and joining in their activities and watching them grow and develop through the school year. I'm very passionate about reading and believe that the knowledge gleaned from reading can inspire and engender many great things from all ages.
I strongly believe that children learn more effectively when they have fun and are engaged in a wide variety of interesting and exciting topics supported by real life examples. I want to continue to make our school an enjoyable experience for parents and carers and our children through giving access to opportunities we may not usually have access to, helping with the social issues of the day and providing a strong and lasting foundation for life.
Name: Alison Cottrell
Type of Governor: Headteacher
Term of Office Start Date: 01/01/2020
Term of Office End Date: Permanent
I have worked at Easingwold Primary School since September 2008. I have been a class teacher in KS2 and took on the role of Deputy Headteacher in September 2009. In September 2020 I became the Headteacher. I find my work as a Governor extremely rewarding as it provides a strategic direction for school improvement. The 'critical friend' aspect of the Governing Body ensures the work of the school is quality assured which I believe to be vital in driving standards up. I want the very best for all children in our school and the work of the Governors supports me in achieving this through target setting, data analysis, policy reviews and regular visits to school.
Name: Andrew Neville-Smith
Type of Governor: Co-opted
Term of Office Start Date: 17/09/2019
Term of Office End Date: 16/09/2023
Reappointed: 16/09/2023
Term of Office End Date: 15/09/2027
I started teaching at this school in 1974 and as such have seen many changes and served under a number of different head teachers. Although I am now retired, I still enjoy being involved with the children. I run a couple of clubs, organise the Open the Book assemblies once a fortnight and am involved with school trips when requested. I am particularly concerned with the well-being of both the staff and children and that the latter receive a well-rounded and enjoyable education. In my Governor role, I have recently been involved with the shortlisting and interviewing of a number of members of staff and have also been involved with the upgrading of the Key Stage 1 playground.
Name: Antoinette Potter
Type of Governor: Staff Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 1/09/2020
Term of Office End Date: 1/9/2024
I was appointed as an upper KS2 teacher at Easingwold Community Primary School in September 2009. After my first year here, I became Mathematics Leader, which along with sport is my main teaching passion. I’ve led Mathematics for eleven years and look forward to doing so again from this September. I have predominantly taught in KS2 but have taught a mixed Year 1/2 class in recent years. I have been enjoying the role of Deputy Headteacher since 2020, where I lead on supporting our most vulnerable pupils through pupil premium funding, safeguarding and newly taking on the role of SENCo. I joined the Governing Body March 2020 and have relished the opportunity of contributing to the successful leadership and development of our wonderful school.
Name: Rebecca Cooper
Type of Governor: Parent Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 29/1/2024
Term of Office End Date: 28/1/2028
I was delighted to have been appointed a Parent Governor at Easingwold Community Primary School in early 2020, and am excited to be able to contribute to an ambitious team who are committed to ensuring the school continues to progress and improve so that we can offer the very best experience to all of the pupils who attend. I have lived in Easingwold for most of my life and have happy memories of attending both the Primary and Secondary schools. I strongly believe that schools should be the heart of the community in which you live and this was a big part in my decision to send my own children here.
The first part of my day job, and the one that really keeps me on my toes, is being Mum to Oliver, 7, who will soon to be entering Year 3 and Freddie, 2, a pupil of the future. The second part is working in the Department for Education where I primarily focus on the academic and financial performance of further education colleges. It is a really interesting and fulfilling role and certainly brings a different perspective to how education works behind the scenes. Experience has shown me how important excellent leadership and strong governance is in any educational institution and I hope to ensure that this is what continues to be in place at ECPS.
Name: Edward Fenning
Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 24/09/2021
Term of Office End Date: 24/09/2025
It is a privilege to serve as a Governor of Easingwold Primary school. I am the pastor of Hope Church Easingwold and I long to serve our local community. I loved my time at school and am keen to see that our children are able to enjoy and thrive in their education. I am married to Helen and have four children, three of whom are already in the school with one more set to join in the coming years, so I have a particular interest in the long term state of the school. I have eight years experience as a teacher of Mathematics in a senior school, and two years experience as treasurer of a charity. I am particularly passionate that education should be well-rounded and enjoyable. I have recently been appointed as Chair of the Resources Committee, having been a member since its inception. I look forward to continuing to support the school and the Governing Body in this role.
Name:Stephanie Young
Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 06/10/2022
Term of Office End Date: 05/10/2026
I started working at ECPS in May 2022 and felt at home from the moment I walked in. I joined the Governing Body on the SEN/PP and behaviour and attitudes sub committee where I am hoping I can share ideas, bring the ideas and views of the children to the table and to help support the provision for the SEN/PP pupils. It is wonderful to be part of a school at the heart of such a lovely community.
Name:Rosie Dutton
Type of Governor: Local Authority Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 06/12/22
Term of Office End Date: 05/12/2026
I am very pleased to have been appointed LA governor for Easingwold Community Primary School.
I started teaching in 1976, working as an English teacher in schools in Salford, Leeds and York. I retired five years ago but ‘went back’ last year for six months to help out in times of staff shortages. I have three granddaughters at the school; another starting in September. I spend quite a bit of time in the car park chatting to parents when doing school pick-ups. I have joined a couple of really enjoyable school trips as well. I care deeply about the quality of education that young children receive, and I want them to enjoy their school experience and grow from it.
Name:Rebecca Floyd
Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 06/12/22
Term of Office End Date: 05/12/2026
Name:Bethany-Rose Cadell
Type of Governor: Parent Governor
Term of Office Start Date: 29/01/2024
Term of Office End Date: 28/01/2028
Governor Link Roles:
Safeguarding and Health and Safety: Rosie Sharpe
SENCO/PP/Vulnerable Children: Rebecca Cooper, Toni Potter
Early Years: Nikki Rowbottom
Risk Management of Residential Visits: Rosie Sharpe
Headteacher Performance Management and Wellbeing: Nikki Rowbottom/Rebecca Cooper
Leadership and Management: Nikki Rowbottom
Quality of Education: Rebecca Cooper, Becca Floyd, Stephanie Young
Personal Development: Andrew Neville
Behaviour and Attitudes: Edward Fenning
Meeting Dates 2023/24:
FGB meetings (6)
Tuesday 3 October 2023 at 6pm
Tue 5 December 2023 at 6pm
Tue 6 February 2024 at 6pm
Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 6pm
Tuesday 14 May 2024
Monday 8 July 2024 at 6pm
Resources Committees (virtual meetings) (5)
Monday 25 September 2023 at 6pm
Monday 27 November 2023 at 6pm
Monday 11 March 2024 at 6pm
Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 6pm - Outturn and Start Budget
Monday 1 July 2024 at 6pm
Governance Annual Statement:
Register of Business Interests:
It is important that governors and staff not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially. The governing body and school staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and those of the school. There is a legal duty on all governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting and for the governor concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered. To help put this duty into practice, a governing body is required to establish and maintain a register of pecuniary interests indicating, for all governors and the headteacher, any business interests. This should include, if appropriate, the company by whom they are employed, directorships, significant shareholdings or other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation which may have dealings with the school. They should include their own interest and those of any member of their immediate family (including partners) or other individuals known to them who may exert influence. The register sheet should be signed by the governor. The register will enable governors to demonstrate that in spending public money they do not benefit personally from decisions that they make. See our register below.
Governors' Written Statement of Behaviour Principles.
Under the Education and Inspections Act, 2006, the Governing Body is charged with the duty to set the framework of the school’s policy by providing a written statement of general principles relating to behaviour and discipline, taking into account the needs of all pupils. The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Headteacher in drawing up the behaviour policy by stating the principles which Governors expect to be followed. The policy aims to underpin the Governors’ duty of care to pupils and employees; promoting teaching and learning and high standards of attainment and preserve the reputation of the school. The statement is available upon request from the school and can be viewed by opening the PDF document below. This statement will be reviewed on a three yearly basis, unless changes at national or local level necessitate an exceptional review. This statement is informed by our mission statement, core values and vision.