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Medical Needs

Safeguarding Children with Medical Needs


Our role in keeping children safe extends beyond ensuring that the fabric of the building is clean and well maintained. We also have a duty of care to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum by making reasonable adjustments to what and how we provide for them.


These adjustments include administering medicines and being aware of any medical needs that may heighten the risk to a child when at school (where necessary). Most commonly, these adjustments are just part of school life i.e. the removal of any nut based products from school to cater for those children with nut allergies. 


If you feel you need to speak to us about your child's medical needs, please do so in confidence by contacting the class teacher or the headteacher for an appointment. We will do all we can to help.


The forms below need to be completed if you wish us to administer any medication to your children whilst they are at school.


We hope that the way in which the files have been named can support you in completing the correct one. If not, give us a call or pop in and speak to someone and we can help you out.

