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MFL - French

Easingwold Primary School – Religious Education Curriculum Statement

‘Excellence for All’

Our School Vision

Outcomes for Pupils:

An unwavering ambition to ensure all children are equipped with the academic and social skills needed to be ready for the next stage in their education. Fostering a thirst for the acquisition of knowledge and recognising that learning is a life-long skill. Embracing a culture of self-awareness and respect to allow us to grow as citizens.

Teaching and Learning:

Empowered creative and inspirational staff who inspire children to achieve highly. Enabling our children to widen their horizons and aspire to personal excellence through the development of a broad and exciting curriculum which places experiences as a high priority. Permitting the taking of risks by means of exploring new and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.


Intent – What do we want to achieve? 

The primary aim of our whole school curriculum is to provide ‘Excellence for All.’ To achieve this we want to develop children as curious, independent and resilient learners who have a secure understanding of themselves, their community and the wider world in which they live. We want them to have high aspirations and make positive contributions to their community and society. It is of the utmost importance to us that we provide pupils with indelible experiences from which they can learn and develop a range of transferable, lifelong skills.


We believe learning a foreign language is a necessary part of being a member of a multi-cultural society and provides an opening to other cultures. A high-quality languages education should foster children’s curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable children to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language. Language teaching should provide the foundation for learning further languages, equipping children to study and work in other countries.


Implementation - How will we achieve this?

Children will receive weekly discreet MFL lessons in the French language. Additionally, through morning register and class greetings will also be introduced to other languages, including those used at home by children, or by family and friends. The objectives of the MFL curriculum are underpinned by the North Yorkshire- Scheme of Languages, in which every half term a new topic is introduced every half term. Children’s learning builds progressively on previously taught and learnt vocabulary and phrases. The emphasis is on speaking and listening, making learning fun through songs and games, varied resources and practical activities.


The culture and traditions of France are taught as an integral part of learning the language. Languages are also introduced in KS1 during register time- This includes greetings and some counting. Different languages may also be introduced throughout the school as part of geography and world topics, as well as through whole school singing. The MFL subject leader and teacher work closely together to regularly review the teaching of MFL, and collaboratively develop yearly action plans.


Impact – How do we know we have been successful?

Children will have covered the aspects of learning as set out in the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages. They will have developed a recall of relevant vocabulary , and formulate simple phrases and become engaged in simple conversational French, ask questions, and are able to write sentences and phrases relating to a range of topics. They will be confident in moving onto KS3 to further develop their language skills in French and other MFLs. They have become resilient language learners and are not afraid to “have a go” both in terms of pronunciation, trying out phrases and sentences and producing written tasks. We measure impact through lesson observations and work monitoring as well as pupil voice and dialogue between the subject leader and specialist MFL teachers.


MFL - Progression Overview (NYCC)
