Lunches at Easingwold Primary School
We are a NUT FREE school
All children in EYFS and KS1 receive Universal Free School Meals which means there is no charge to parents/carers if they choose for their child to have a hot lunch at school. Once in Year 3 and through to Year 6, lunches are charged at £2.55 each and can be paid via our online ParentPay system.
Each day we normally offer a choice of a hot meal, a vegetarian option, jacket potato or a sandwich option. We also have a salad bar.
If your child has any food allergies or intolerances please contact the school office.
If your child requires a medical diet due to a food allergy, food intolerance or a medical condition that requires an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please follow this link to request a medical diet:
You do not need to provide medical evidence if your child only needs to avoid any of the top 14 allergens. Those with religious, cultural, or personal requirements/ preferences, can choose from the standard menu and do not need to complete a medical diet request form. This includes vegetarian, pescatarian, vegan and Halal requirements.
For further support, please refer to the Parent User Guide below.
Packed Lunches:
To support parents in providing healthy, nutritious packed lunches we have written some support guidance for parents. This was done in consultation with parents through a survey.
The aim of these guidelines is to ensure that all packed lunches brought from home provide children with healthy and nutritious food that is similar to food served in schools, which is regulated by national standards.
We want packed lunches to provide energy and nutrients to ensure children are alert and can maximise their learning time during the afternoon. We also want there to be consistency between the quality of school lunches and packed lunches.
What packed lunches should include?
· at least one portion of fresh fruit and one portion of fresh vegetables every day such as an apple, grapes, a banana, an orange, carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, celery sticks, sliced peppers
· unprocessed meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. seeds, lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, hummus and falafel) every day
· oily fish, such as salmon or mackerel at least once every three weeks
· a starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice - wholemeal or half and half couscous, noodles, potatoes every day
· dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt or custard every day
· water and cups are provided by school. You might also include a drink of plain milk or 150ml of fresh, unsweetened fruit juice
What packed lunches should not include:
· highly processed meat/pastry products such as; sausage rolls, scotch eggs, pepperami, pasties pies and sausages
· ultra processed foods such as, Lunchables and Dairylea Dunkables
· snacks such as crisps or cheddars
· cakes and biscuits
· These should only be included very occasionally
What packed lunches must not include:
· nuts – including peanut butter and Nutella – because of the life threatening risk to any other child who may have a severe allergy
· confectionery such as chocolate bars and sweets (fruit strings/winders are considered to be sweets)
· fizzy drinks and energy drinks
The attached poster is a handy guide to how to make a nutritional packed lunch. We hope you find this guidance useful in helping you to prepare healthy and nutritious packed lunches for your children.